oh for a world of more Kelly’s 👏

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+1. I love Kelly the Conveyancer! And yes those are definitely certificates of bravery. ❤️

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Right? The breakthrough in that moment in the most unexpected of places thanks to her.

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I love this and I love you. I think you should make yourself an actual certificate for your wall!

I like to comfort myself in the knowledge that anyone in a public facing job has always seen far worse, anyway. ‘Here’s my certificate for changing my name to Elvira Fantastica Presley, and this one to change it back again’, ‘I don’t have a current address because I’ve joined a travelling cult that only sleeps in other people’s garages’ etc. By comparison we must be positively boring!

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I REALLY like Keeley the ‘failure’ who keeps getting up. It makes me want to celebrate with Keeley who has the nicer life and (well named) chickens because she is kind and empathetic and beautifully un-entitled with it 🤎🤎🤎 🐓 🐓 🐓

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Aw Livi, thank you so, so much. 🤍🤍🤍

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Lovely piece and how brave you indeed are!

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Thank you Irene. So much. 🤍

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OMG. Thank you! Just to know that there are Kellys in the world… and she was so spot on. Brave indeed.

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I think I’ll have to go back & say thank you with a bunch of flowers or something. It was a short moment but made a big impact. Kelly’s are definitely real and out there.

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Tickles, Pickles and Sunny sound absolutely wonderful as they sound perfect too.

Sending you and daughter hugs from London 💐🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 Happy hunting filling your barnyard 🐙🐖🐷🐄🐇🐤🐥🐣🐔🐓🦢🐢🦉🐞🌻🐞

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Loved reading this Keeley! Very relatable, thank you for sharing 🥰

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Thank you Sophie! So lovely to hear from you. x

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Ah, thank you. It’s been a turbulent year, but I’m doing better. Things are good. Thank you for noticing 🥰

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Love this Keeley. Your writing style is delightfully playful, even though your message is vulnerable. Certificates of bravery is so accurate. Much love...

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I loved how it reframed them after that. Little plastic sleeve full of brave moments. It’s writing a totally different story in my head now. Much love right back.

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And thank you xx

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Absolutely loved this. I could not love this more. And what a wonderful person Kelly is. I’m carrying that phrase with me as I pack up my home. Certificates of bravery. Yes.

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Oh Anna. Sending you so much love right now. Certificates of Bravery sisters. 🫶🏻

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I think that's definitely a crew I'd love to join. Certificates of bravery sisters. Wonderful. Much love x

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"And so, I package up my failures and put them in a plastic sleeve. Officially signed, stamped and sealed, declaring, yep: Keeley Rees really did fail that much." This is like reading about me...It's overwhelming at times, proving your past suffering while in the midst of your triumph over it all. Bravo for your courage. 🙏🏼

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You've put that so beautifully - proving your past while in the midst of triumph. Thank you for your lovely words. xx

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I love this Keeley - what a brilliant post! Congratulations on exploring until you found a life you love. (I stared at my bear with the coin tub on his head thinking THAT IS WEIRD, I HAVE A BEAR AND TUB LIKE THAT! 😂 Then I realised he is mine! So funny 😆 )

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Lol sorry for the jump scare Helen! 😆 I've always loved that little dude - would he be interested in gainful employment as my mascot? He's just got the vibes. And thank you for your lovely words.

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I've just posted a scary post - so I know your fear - but this, this is what we should be about. Someone called me 'brave' having read my post, and I thought eh, what? But, we are brave, both of us - so, I'm raising a glass to you and a piece of floppy pizza x

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I had a read Jane, you are so very brave. (Lol love the floppy pizza.) x

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Who doesn't enjoy a bit of floppy pizza, eh? :) I've just restacked your piece, and if you felt mine would be useful to people who you know, and you like it, please feel free to restack x

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I’m glad this post has made it from draft to actual letter, with all its beauty and bravery. I’m glad for you, reading all these kind and wonderful comments, and glad for me and all the other brave souls who read you words and see in themselves and their past experiences, acts of bravery in place of shame and guilt 💛 💛

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Thank you lovely. xx

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I can totally relate! By the time I moved into my own home, I had lived in 44 different places, including a VW VAN, a former chicken coop with no water or electricity, and a miners shack in a "ghost" town. I had children with two different fathers and thus two different names. I had been on and off of welfare (I believe you Brits call it "the dole") several times, spent years bouncing between being a single mom and and being in a relationship, and gone to 9 or 10 different colleges before finally getting a teaching certificate and landing a real job.

We are strong brave survivors!!

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Oh wow Suzanna what a rollercoaster. A chicken coop!? A miner's shack in a ghost town - this all sounds like it's out of a movie... I'm so sorry you went through all that. You are so brave and inspiring, thank you for sharing part of your story here with me.

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No more than what you went through. Our culture--on either side of the pond--is not kind to free spirited single moms trying to figure out this life. I think we are stronger for it though. So glad you made it through and are making a wonderful life!

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I have a similar stack. I prefer to think of it as a life well lived.

The conveyancer is correct. You are brave and bold. You are resilient. The fact that you haven’t crawled into a hole or grown cold and callous, but instead continue to love and dare to build home again says volumes.

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Yes. So very much yes - a life well lived.

Thank you for these words, they've mean so much to me. x

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Wow Keeley! What an amazing and inspiring post, one certainly of bravery 🤍 I’m sure so many others will find strength from reading this.

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Thank you Jenna! I do hope so. xx 🤍

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