Thanks Keeley. This is so true and so beautifully said. Oh, and your audio quality and reading voice are excellent - no need to apologise. 💜

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Thank YOU Phoebe! 🤍🤍 Glad the audio turned out ok too.

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Jul 4Liked by Keeley Rees

Just when I think I couldn’t love you more, you go and write exactly what I needed to hear. Infact, you write what I’ve been needing to hear my entire life!!! Thank you for brining comfort to my inconsistent soul and my mismatched socks 🧦 (why do they always part ways?) this line I felt so brilliantly represented my last 6 months 😂😅 “Sometimes we’re actually typing with one hand as we fight off a beast with the other” - for me an actual irl life beast nearly killed my husband and I have three little beasts that I have been wrangling 🫠 love you darling girl. Thank you for finding your brave and being here to set our souls on fire ~ Lis xxxx

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I want to reply to this comment with a matched eloquence to your own and also convey how much your words mean to me without being cliche or dramatic but as you can see, it’s impossible. I can’t belieeeeve what you & hubby have been through lately but also how you’ve turned it all around so beautifully. Strength to strength. Love you more. xxxx

Ps - seriously though, where do all the socks go?

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Thank you Keeley, this is so good. I see the consistency of showing up for yourself the higher challenge and bigger win - sounds like you're nailing it 🤩 x

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Oh my gosh Emily, yes that’s perfect, you’re right. Showing up for yourself is the bigger challenge & win! I love that so much. Thank you xx

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This! Thank you. Needed to read this today. It was first on my reading suggestions when I logged in, sometimes universe really shows up for us. So very tired of the work that comes after posting anything, which makes med not post at all. Just writing for my hard drive at the moment.

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Love it when the timing aligns like that - borderline freaky/wonderful. Do you mean the internal work that comes after posting? Like the stress/emotion of it? Or the engagement? 🤍🤍

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I think all of it. The after posting is just daunting. I keep writing though, for myself

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Thank you so much for sharing this Keeley.

On a morning that I’ve managed to drag myself out of bed at 11.30am to brush my teeth and start what’s left of my day only, to go straight back to it feeling full of frustration at the lack of energy to share my sparkle with the world, it feels timely.

So many projects, passions, words and all of it, locked in the dungeons of my life.

I’m sorry I’m not the only one down here and that you’ve had a difficult time, but it’s comforting too, to know that life happens in all kinds of ways and there are more of us in the dark corners than it feels like (because the isolated feeling is a BIG beast, right?). That there’s a whole gang of us moving slowly out the dank cold dungeon and into a warm sunny mind meadow makes the whole thing feel more possible. Perseverance, not consistency, is the key.

Thanks again.

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Ahhh Nicole. It’s tricky isn’t it, because even as I read your words I think ‘oh it’s not just me!’ and feel that balance of encouraged/horrible because someone else is in it in some way too. Mostly I just hate that there is so much locked away for you right now.

I do totally agree though - we ARE making our way through. Bit by bit. You’re not alone in this.


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It feels so liberating to read you ! Thank you ! Inconsistency is what rules most of us. Because life (good or bad) happens. Because most of the time, it is not our main source of income. Here in Substack, it’s often just a way to have our words, thoughts, passion out without money involved or not enough to pay the bills.

Sometimes we have impulse to create when one thing triggers our brain and only then we want to write. So f*** the schedule with its rigid and heartless time block. And you’re totally right : no one cares or notices if you respect your one week publication. If we could stop looking for the king’s direction, maybe we could create even more, just at our own pace.

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I absolutely agree, Mrs C. I actually did have a line in there which I removed but it echoes what you've said there - 'When we perform out of fear of what the crown will say we create from a cage not freedom.' You're probably right too that if we put less pressure on ourselves we might be able to create more, even though the circumstances haven't changed, we'd just feel more free to create with what we *do* have = more flow = more work.

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Jul 4Liked by Keeley Rees

Amen, sister! Happy to join the mismatch sock club. Actually - can someone design that on a sticker and send it my way? That would be water-bottle worthy! 👍

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Ermahglob. Yes please, me too. I might have to look into that... x

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This couldn’t have come at a more perfect time 🫠 As I struggle to get that Substack post out that’s been sitting in my ‘nearly done’ drafts folder for over 3 frickin’ months, battling with the unearthly Melbourne chill, kids, ADHD medications, fun, time consuming paid projects that I’ve totally overcapitalised my time on and the constant anxiety of not making enough money 2 years into this business game because I constantly think ‘I’m not wanting it enough’ *breathes out*

Then I read this, and think ‘thank goodness it’s not just me’ and feel a little better ☺️

love it ❤️

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I feel all of this in my soul Benjamin. I really am so glad reading this helped lift that pressure a bit. ❤️

The true irony being of course that this post *also* sat within my 'nearly done' drafts folder for close to 2 months. But maybe that's a timing thing? This might have been the right time to actually finish it.

PS hope you like my little animated bubble gum girl - thought oh geez Banana on Cat will cringe at my little attempt at "animation" here. Lol. Not quite Skullzy, soz.

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I watched that gif three times. It is so good. It may or may not be the perfect one for the vibe meme going around on Notes at the moment.

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You are an animating champ. I absolutely adore it! I won't tell skullzy of his competition if you don't 💀

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Yess to seasonal consistency aka doing what our body, heart, life and all needs. Shifting to that has been a game changer for me years ago and I think especially cyclical humans benefit from letting go of the rigid structure all the productivity wannabe kings shout from their castles. Love to you, Keeley! 💖

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Seasonal consistency I love that. And exactlyyyy. Let 'em shout. We're whole beings with bodies and hearts and socks that run away, we're not robots. Love right back to you, Carmen! x

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Consistency for those in the season of this (health, energy, situations allowing etc) is magnificent. My triplets are looking at me like I'm losing it. Whooping while reading your epic words may be the reason!

Celebrating throwing off the shackles of consistency. I'll have lived a shitty life if my grave says, "She was consistent with her Substack". Sending love and thanks to you xxx

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Aw Danusia made me giggle reading this. Yes, have to admit being consistent with my Substack is not high up on my list of what I'd like to be remembered for. Consider your shackles officially busted. xx

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Dearest loveliest Keeley, your words are always treasures, a balm to the soul, rare diamonds that are so precious. How perfect to read this today, every twist and turn of my life takes me further from the path of “you must do it this way”, and further into rebellion again everything that we’re “supposed” to be and to say and to do. I will be saving this forever. You are a gift. Sending so much love 💛

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Well, Emily the Wonderful thats funny cos I feel the same way about you. You’re doing such beautiful work. Love right back. 🤍🤍

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Keeley, I just love you. Yes, yes, yes to all of this! And what an energy leak it is to constantly think “I need to post something, I need to create something, the deadline is approaching, you’re failing again”. Just… thank you for writing this! X

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Love you right back Sophie the Brave. I know you’re doing soooo much and it’s been turbulent year for you. Exactly—what a drain! Continually giving ourselves reasons to feel like we’re not doing enough. I hope you feel like you can steal the jester’s hat and then run off and do your own thing. xx

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“Slap him in the face so his little jingly hat will stop making noise.”

Oh that made me giggle.

This feels so resonate to me. I’ve been struggling the past month with having too many ideas and not enough time/energy to pursue them. Lots of pressure borne out of that feeling that I ought to be more consistent.

I just told myself the other day to pick two to focus on. The rest will still be there later.

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Hi Kerani! Lol. Thanks. And ermahglob yes - choosing just one or two to focus on at a time is so key, it's just not always easy to do. I want to do it all too, lol. We'll get to the others in time, but there's no pressure now. xx

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I wonder if part of that pressure comes from how fast the internet moves these days and the constant push to feed the content machine. It feels like a luxury to take your time.

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Yes!! I agree! And honestly I have so many feelings about this. I could rant but I won’t. I guess it does feel luxurious (or maybe even rebellious) to take your time after being at that speed for so long (for others). My theory is that internet speed is somewhat of an illusion though, because there’s a cycle for everything - once it’s up there’s an evergreen side to it so it’s not actually a linear timeline. Just feels like it. 🤍

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Light patterns on the wall are amazingly under rated!

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100% true Leanne. x

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Thank you Keeley, I appreciate your thoughtful reflections. I was left thinking, I need to focus on consistent compassion - perhaps the only thing worth being consistent about!

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Yes, that's so true! Love that Gillian.

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I was just journaling about finally accepting the idea that I'm not the 'same' every day/ week/ month. I am not consistent. Yet I think I've been aiming for it all of my life. Now is the time I'd like to release the pressure to be some kind of manufacturing machine, so your letter appeared at the ideal time. Thank you, Keeley

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Janelle! Yes! Like it’s always been a bar way too high to reach? I lovvve what you’ve said here - released from being a manufacturing machine. Absolutely. We refuse to create for the sake of it. 🤍🤍

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