WooooOOOO! (*stomps on floor, hoots and hollers*) YESSSSS!

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Love this response Leanne, appreciate your enthusiasm and support so much. xx

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Could not love this more. Look at gorgeous storytelling you in all your glory! Woohoo! ❤️‍🔥 I will bring snacks, a video game, and a playlist for the quest. "We're going on an adventure!" 👣

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Um, amazing. You've packed wisely dear friend. 👣 No doubt we shall never be short on ridiculous animal videos or memes that explain our human condition better than words could. So glad you're with me, make sure you share the red controller.

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Oh my gosh, I have three things I need to say:

1) everything you write fills me with such happiness. You just radiate magic and sparkliness and I'm so happy I've found you and your gorgeous writing. I cannot wait to see all the incredible things to create.

2) thank you for linking to that post about your greyhound, Eve!! Greyhound content is always perfect, but I just love that our greyhounds live on the opposite side of the world and are just so similar. Abbey always spins three times before finding the perfect spot, and she won't walk through any door unless it's widely opened. Which is ridiculous because she's the skinniest dog. She will just stand there peering at you helplessly.

3) I did a site visit for work at a wedding venue today and it had the biggest disco ball I have ever seen and it made me think of you.

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Aw Sarah I always love hearing from you.

1. Thank you, you've absolutely made my day, those words are like the sprinkles on a pink iced donut. (THE BEST.)

2. Abbeyy. I love her. She and Eve sound like soul sisters. Lol, the 3 spins how funny. The doorways haha. Insurmountable obstacle.

3. Ermahglob that sounds amazing.


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I love this! Especially “embiggen” word of the year!

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Yes quite. I believe we have The Simpsons to thank for this word?

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