Thank you for sharing YOU. It’s beautiful.

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Thank you Katie! 🫶🏻🤍

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I deeply relate to this... Last night I wound up reading some old writing of mine and listening to a podcast which included a recording of a 5 minute personal story I told on stage. I was so inspired by myself! I couldn't believe I used to do that and I wonder what changed... Probably having two small kids, maybe COVID, I don't know but it encouraged me to be braver once more.

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Oh wow Rahma, that's so beautiful! I wonder if you could reshare that story in some way? Might be a great post? Depends on how you feel to share it. I totally relate to the 'where did the brave go?' feelings. Thanks for being here, it's encouraging to hear you're in it with me!

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That's a great idea. Thank you 🫂

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Also, I love the name of your publication: A Woman Who Wanders. How gorgeous.

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YES! Love this. And your voice matters and we're all here for it!

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Aw, Sarah, thank you! ❤️

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Apr 21Liked by Keeley Rees

Keeley, I love this so much. I struggle to share my voice too. I try but often tiptoe out then back away. I want to keep moving forward, inspired by your words. Thank you.

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Ugh it's the worst isn't it! You have such a beeeauuutiful way of seeing things. I'm really glad this has inspired you to keep moving forward! I'll move forward with you too. x

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Yes! Yay you. And so much relate. I’ve been walking a lot with the what-happened-to-that-brave-woman thing. Where did she go?

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Thank you Kim. WHERE DID SHE GO THOUGH. What even happened? Lots, I guess is the answer. But let's find our brave again. xx

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You know how much I love this. And feel it too. 💛 beautiful, raw, honest, heartfelt. All the love xx

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Thank you Emily for all your support, always. 💛💛

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Apr 21Liked by Keeley Rees

Love this, Keeley. Been struggling with some of the same, oscillating between being brave and then retreating back into my shell. Haven’t been on Substack for a few months and your email alert about Substack Soiree brought me back here. So glad to see you are holding space for both sides of what you have to offer. 🫶 Congrats on stepping out into the starlight! 💫

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Oh I love that line! "Stepping out into the starlight." Gorgeous. You're so right about going back and forth between the two sides - it's actually a bit exhausting! Glad you're back here, hope to see you in the soirée, we can cheer each other on! 🫶

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This is…!! ♥️🍃

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Thank you so much Susie! 🫶

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Apr 21Liked by Keeley Rees

SO relate to this Keely! Since coming on Substack it’s like I’ve broken out of the business creation mode and stepped into creation as my art ✨

Loved this quote:

Even when I started publishing here it was in the space of the expertise I could offer, not my heart or anything truly connected to me, the person, just my skills. It’s valuable, sure, but not the only stuff I’m here to say.

P.S. your little mermaid description was so impressive- great writing!!

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Oh I really appreciate that Megan, thank you!

I loooove that! ‘Broken out of business creation mode and into creation as your art.’ That must feel so freeing?? 💗

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It really is! I literally just wrote down how freeing it was yesterday! Great minds ✨

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This is encouraging, Keeley. Here for your journey. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you Tiffany! So appreciate you being here. x

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I hear you. I chose to close the door on my writing, back when the opinion of Other was more imperative than my own. I've made another choice. I'm glad you have too x

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Yes!! Amazing!! That’s brilliant Lorraine! 🤍x

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Apr 22Liked by Keeley Rees

This was beautiful to read Keeley. As an actress myself, I can totally relate to the frustration and feeling like the industry has crushed my spirit. I think it feels so devastating because to pursue an acting career in the first place one must be insanely brave and put all of their belief in themself. "Going all in." It is so devastating when you go all in and risk it all and you don't have the career you always dreamed of. Good for you for taking your experience and rising above it. Keep sharing from your heart.

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Hi Reid! Thanks for getting it. Love the name of your publication btw. You're a vegan too? Soul sisters. x

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Yes girl! Vegan girlies for life :)

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I feel this deeply; thanks for sharing, Keeley 🩷 For me, hiding my voice (but excellent at elevating other people and their work, through my work) is part of years of an undiagnosed ND experience and the masking that had to occur for survival, causing RSD. But this year, I promised I would focus on my voice first 💪🏻 It’s super hard not to revert to just how-to/educating posts, but reading this gives me energy 🩷

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Hi Mara, it's so lovely to hear from you! 🩷 Yesss - that's perfectly put: hiding your voice but excellent at elevating others - but horrible that for you it was tied to so much more. Let me know when you take that energy and write something you feel is in your voice - I'd love to read it. x

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Aw thanks so much, I’m honoured ☺️🩷 I named my Substack “unmasked.” for this reason, so the whole total of two articles…🫠 … are in my voice - I’ve written tones and tones and all still in my Ulysses… hard to press “post” but I’m doing it 💪🏻

Do you find it easier to commit to a weekly- specific day for posting, to get rid of the fear? I managed to get a virus this week and missed my self-imposed deadline and now I feel like I’m on square one for summoning courage 🩷

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I loved reading this, Keeley! And I’m so eager to read all the posts you’ll share in the future. This really resonated with me. I worked as a copywriter / social media / content person for loads of different charities for the last decade and now that I’m running my own business and (trying to) writing posts on substack I’m finding it hard to find my voice and style. I spent so long writing in other people’s voices it feels wrong to write fully in my own. I’m not sure a single instagram caption I’ve written for my business actually sounds like me! Really inspired by your post, thank you for writing it.

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Oh Sarah, thank you! It's actually so nice to hear from someone who's gone through something similar. xx

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This was so lovely! I’m so excited to read more of what you share!

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Thank you so much Leanna!

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Apr 25Liked by Keeley Rees

There's a powerful realization here: the importance of reclaiming our voice and sharing our own stories, even when it feels scary or vulnerable. Keeley, it's inspiring to see how you embrace your own journey back to self-expression and storytelling. Thanks for sharing this heartfelt piece!

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Thank you Mo! This means so much.

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